Have you ever hung up a picture? It is just as easy to install the infrared heater.

Heating with infrared

No tedious installation of pipes, no complicated connections, no separate space as with a conventional central heating system — simply hang it up!

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Effective saving thanks to infrared heating
Infrared heaters only require a power connection. This allows you to avoid the laborious and expensive installation of pipes.
This can be interesting for new buildings as well as for replacing heating in old buildings. In addition, the operating costs of heating are so low that it is demonstrably worthwhile to use.

The infrared heater not only impresses with its performance, but also because it is maintenance-free. In contrast to ordinary heating systems, there is no need for regular maintenance or a chimney sweep, which means financial savings in the long term.

Eco-friendly and future-oriented heating
Infrared heating is not only an efficient heat source, but is also environmentally friendly and future-oriented. By using its own photovoltaic systems in conjunction with an energy storage device, it enables a future-proof type of heating.

Pleasant and also ideal for people with allergies
The pleasant warmth is emitted directly via infrared radiation. As a result, the warmth not only feels cozy, but also does not swirl up dust. This helps to ensure that the air in the room is particularly pure and allergy-friendly.


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